Hey Roman ,So last time I seen you was at Winterclash back in February and for some one getting ready for a tour of south America you skated very hard how was the your preparation for your tour?
Hi ! Yes last time we met was at the Winterclash, it was a really good weekend, and i really liked to skate with everybody again ! I was so motivated at the winterclash this year. I trained a lot during one month in Gap city and learnt many new tricks to prepare the winterclash and my tour in South America. I always love to practice on new tricks, and it was a little challenge for me before leaving my place for 2
months !

This is your second time to travel to south America now, what was your reasons for going back?
Yes, It was my 2nd time in South America. I only came back for 2 months in France after my 1st trip. I loved the experience I had in Brazil and Peru, so i decided to go back there and visited a little more Peru and also Chile !! People are so nice, the culture is really different than here in Europe, and the skating scene is really active over there. I loved it and I wanted to know more about South America and share good moments with the guys.

How is the inline scene there and life there ?
The skating scene is so big there ! It was good to always find people to skate with for every single session ! I was also surprised to see so many girls skating.. and everybody is so motivated ! Everything you need to spend good time on skates .

So how long did you go for and which city's did you visit last time you visited ?
It was winter in Europe, a time without events and not a lot of people skating (because of the snow or a lack of motivation). I wanted to enjoy all the summer time over there so I left there for exactly 2 months. In Peru, I visited Lima cause the blading scene is big and I also went to Tacna in the south to skate the biggest park of Peru. It was awesome !! In Chile, i went to Santiago cause many people from there asked me to come and I also had the chance to go skate a private park in Viña del Mar where was a perfect mini Ramp and Jumpbox made of wood. Thanks again to the Pro Streetboarder Ismael Calvo for the invitation !
What was the best and most memorable moment for you while there ?
It’s hard to find the most memorable moments cause all were great ! Every little moment was just perfect for me haha. But one of the best feeling was the day I arrived ! After 2 months skating alone with 0°C in my city, I arrived in Lima at night and i immediately went skating, the weather was so good, and so many people were down for the session.. I really loved it, such a great feeling !
What was the 3 top items you took with you and which 3 items did you miss most while on your trip?
My skate setup, my camera and my passport was the only thing i needed !! haha. About what i missed the most, it was probably my bed, and some cheese ! hahahaha

Do you intent on going back again any time soon ?
Yes for sure i will . There are so many other places to visit , and many people asking me to come. So i’m gonna do my best to go back there as soon as possible. Maybe at the end of the year again.
If you had the chance to bring any 3 skaters back to Europe with you next time who would they be ?
Ohhh it’s a difficult choose.. I would like to bring all..!! haha. But 1st I would like to bring back here my girl, Romina Casana cause she has a great potential and it would be so good for her to skate with the bladies from Europe like Stéphanie and Mery . Then, it would be Sandro Timoteo, cause he is an amazing skater with a great style and a really nice guy !! I would love to spend more time with him !! And 3rd.. It would be Juan David Leon. He is the guy who hosted me and took care of me during 2 months in Peru. We shared a lot of good moments there and i would love to show him how is Europe

How was the language barrier , was it easy or difficult for you there ?
haha It was really difficult at the beginning cause a lot of people don’t really speak English there. But it was a good opportunity for me to learn how to speak Spanish. And after a few try, with a mix of French, English and Spanish everything was fine !!
I see you landed one of the nicest 1260 out there how was the set up at that park ?
Ohhh yes, This was probably the best one I ever did ! It was in the Private Park of Ismael on a perfect Jumpbox he built himself. I had a really good time there, and at the end of the session he asked me if I could do a bigger spin than 900° to have a new "record" on his own ramp. I was pretty tired this day after the session, but this was a kind of present I could do for him to say thank you for his invitation. I finally landed it perfect and we were all so happy about it !! haha. Good souvenir!

I imagine been on the other side of the world skating within a total different cultural surroundings can be refreshing , do you find a lot of motivation from traveling and skating new places in the world ?
Wohaaa, I think travelling is the most important thing i have in blading with my friends ! Visiting new places, meeting new people.. and sharing amazing moments all together.. You can't buy that anywhere. All this makes me the happiest guy in the world and fill me of good vibes and motivation. And this is reflected in my skating !!
ROMAN - I would like to Thank you guys and KALTIK and USD for the great support and for sending me there. And thanks to all the people who took care of me during my travel, especially Juan David Leon, Javiera Hernandez and Romina Casana. And everybody else for the love and for all the great moments we spent together. This was one of the best experience of my life and i will never forget it !


OG : Sandro Cesar Timoteo Gomez